Sonntag, 3. Dezember 2017

[Review] Warbreaker - Brandon Sanderson

Titel: Warbreaker
Series: Warbreaker #1
Author: Brandon Sanderson
Publisher: Recorded Books
Format: Audio
Synopsis: GoodReads

Sisters Vivenna and Siri are princesses of Idris. Susebron is the God King one must marry. Lightsong is the reluctant minor god of bravery. Vasher is an immortal still trying to undo mistakes of centuries before. Magic from individual breath from everyday objects can perform all manner of miracles and mischief.

I have no idea what I’m supposed to write about this book. It’s Brandon Sanderson. It’s aweinspireing and amazing. As with most of his books I’ve ‘read’ I listened to it on audiobook and I couldn’t decide between increasing my listening speed to find out what’s going on and decreasing it to make it last longer.

As I’ve come to expect from Sanderson the worldbuilding is incredible. Everything is written with so much detail and he invents a whole new magic system and societal structure with every new story he begins.
I like the magic system in this world, the idea of using your breath to do ‘magic’ and everyone only having a limited amount of breath is something entirely new to me and I really enjoyed finding out how it works.  I also thought the fact that their most commonly used curse was ‘colors’ or ‘color’ is amazing!

I liked both the sisters, although it took me a while to connect with Vivenna, but she really grew during her time away from home and emerged as a different woman.
They way Siris relationship with The Godking evolved was very well written and seeing her getting to know him was really interesting.
Sanderson managed to involve a lot of very different characters and have them all fit together seamlessly.

The plot was all political intrigue, surprising plot twist and unexpected revelations. To me it was sometimes quite confusing and I had trouble finding out who was behind it all until it was spilled out right in front of me. This kept me even more interested and listening to the book far more than I usually would.

I’m not sure if this book is a stand-alone or the beginning of a series, as I have seen multiple answers to this, but either way I’m satisfied. I’d love to read more about the characters and see where their journey leads them, but the story was wrapped up in such a way that I’m okay with leaving it there. 

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