Freitag, 1. Dezember 2017

[Review] Legends of Ahn - Kel Kade

Titel: Legends of Ahn
Series: King's Dark Tidings #3
Author: Kel Kade
Publisher: Dark Rover Publishing
Format: Kindle
Synopsis: GoodReads
Review: 5*, GoodReads, Amazon

Rezkin is an elite warrior who aims to restore order in Ashai after Caydean’s attack on the King’s Tournament transformed former allies and trading partners into enemies. With no army and only a ragtag group of refugees, Rezkin must wrest control of the kingdom from the mad and powerful usurper, who seems bent on destruction, and this may not be the biggest challenge. If he fails, the kingdom will be ripped apart, and Rezkin will have violated Rule 1—to protect and honor his friends—leaving him without country, purpose, or honor.

I was actually expecting this book to be the last one in the series, don’t ask me why, but I did. I’m happy that the story isn’t yet over and we get to see more of Rez and his friends, but I was also pretty disappointed to have to stop with the story for now.
I actually read this book on my kindle, as the audiobook isn’t set to come out till next year, but I didn’t feel any negative effects of switching mediums throughout the series.
This Review does contain spoilers for the previous books as well as some minor ones for this book.

In this installment we focus more on Rezkin and see less of the rest of the group, as they stay on the ship while Rez travels by land. This was quite a good thing, as I disliked Frisha quite a bit here. She didn’t take Dark Tidings de-masking very well and let Rez feel her misgivings quite plainly. I was very disappointed in her and was happy to meet some new people on Rez’s journey.

The first part of the plot, namely the journey towards their place of refuge was amazing. It was one big adventure and Kade didn’t disappoint with his worldbuilding and introduction of not only a new species, but new plots for Rezkin to carry out and more political intrigue, as well as good old fashioned fighting.

When they finally reached his new kingdom things changed for me. A whole new element of magic was introduced and I’m not that sure what to think of it. For me it came out of nowhere and I don’t think the story needed this new layer. I’m all for magic and magical beings, but what Kade did here wasn’t what I had expected. Especially the whole ritual scenario threw me a bit.

Overall this book was just as amazing as the other two and I can’t wait to continue with the series. Despite my slight misgivings I rated the book 5 stars, as I enjoyed myself a lot.

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