Hi guys,
I feel like it's been forever since I posted, although it's only been a week. I had the week off of work and the weather was amazing and I made the mistake of reaing FanFiction again..
But let's talk about the actual reason for my post, my monthly recap. The last few months I did wrapups and hauls, but I decided to try out a new format, so here we are.
Let's start with some numbers:
Books I finished: 10
Books I started: 1
Books I did not finish: 1
Books I got: 4
Books on my TBR: 7
Here are the books I read:
- The Rose and The Dagger - Renee Ahdieh
It's the seond and last part of the 'The Wrath and the Dawn' Duology, a retelling of 1001 arabian nights. Here are some links: GoodReads, LovelyBooks and my Review.
5 Stars - The Wicked and the Divine
This is the first part in a graphic novel series that's really interesting, with some incredible artwork.I didn't write a review for this but you can check out GoodReads.
5 Stars - The Wise Man's Fear - Patrick Rothfuss
Thsi is the second part of 'The Kingkiller Chronicles', a high fantasy series I'm listening to on audiobook. I didn't finish the review yet but check out GoodReads.
4Stars - The Black Elfstones - Terry Brooks
I got this book from NetGalley, it is the first part in a new series, which has abou a hundred other books/series that predate it, the 'Shannara Chronicles'. I really liked it, here are the links: GoodReads and my Review.
4 Stars - A Court of Wings and Ruin - Sarah J Maas
I don't feel the need to say anything about this. Links: GoodReads, LovelyBooks, Review.
5 Stars - Traitor to the Throne - Alwyn Hamilton
I tried to continue a few series this month, one of which is the 'Rebel of the Sands' trilogy. GoodReads, LovelyBooks, Review.
4 Stars - The Star-Touched Queen - Roshani Chokshi
I also started some series, one of which disappointed me quite a bit. Review, GoodReads gibt.
3 Stars - Breakwater - Catherine Jones Payne
This is another book I got from NetGalley, but I'm no sure whether it's a stand-aloe or not. Review, GoodReads.
3 Stars - An Ember in the Ashes - Sabaa Tahir
This is the second series I started this month. I didn't get around to writing a review yet, but you can visit GoodReads.
4 Stars - Flame in the Mist - Renee Ahdieh
Another book I didn't get around to reviewing yet and the second Renee Ahdieh book I read this month. It's a Mulan retelling, and the beginning of a new series. GoodReads
4 Stars - The Barefoot Queen - Ildefonso Falcones
And here we are with the one book I dnf'd. I honestly can't easily tell you why, but I did post a Review. LovelyBooks, GoodReads. - The Vestiges- Caroline George
The last book is the one I started, and I hope I'll finish it this month and post a review soon. GoodReads.
New Books:
- Der Drachenflüsterer - Boris Koch
This is the first book I got this month, thank you to the Bloggerprogramm for that. It's the fourth part in a high-fantasy series.
GoodReads - Orphan X - Gregg Hurwitz
This book is a Thriller I got from HarperCollins, I look forward to reading it this month.
GoodReads - The Goblins of Bellwater - Molly Ringle
This one I got from NetGalley and as it will only be released in october I'm not sure when I'll start reading it.
GoodReads - The Vestiges - Caroline George
For this book the author contacted me through Instagram and as I said, I'm already reading it. - Flame in the Mist - Renee Ahdieh
FairyLoot! - World Mythology in Bite-Sized Chunks - Mark Daniels
How amazing are the people over on FairyLoot? This time there were two books in the box!
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