Titel: Tokyo Heat
Series: Nights Series #3
Author: A.M. Salinger
Publisher: -
Format: Kindle, english, 91p
Synopsis: GoodReads
I want him. I love him. But I don't know if he feels the same way about me — Gabe
I cherish him. I need him. But I don't think I have any love left to give him — Cam
A year has passed since Cam Sorvino challenged Gabe Anderson to grant him one night of torrid sex. Now living together and settled in a scorching hot relationship, Cam is happy with things as they are. Until the day Gabe says the three little words Cam is most afraid to hear.
Having overcome the terrible scars of his own past, Gabe knows Cam still has his own demons to fight. But when Gabe inadvertently confesses his love, he can only watch helplessly as Cam distances himself from their relationship.
Will Cam’s fear of having his heart ripped apart drive away the only man he’s ever truly cared for? Or will Gabe finally convince Cam to dare embrace a future with him?
This is
the third book in the ‚Nights‘ series and the second book that follows
Cam and Gabe. As with the first one we also get to see Joe and Ethan,
which I always really enjoy. I just love the four of them and would
love to see a full length novel focusing on all four of them!
As usual
the whole novella was pretty steamy, but not as much as ‘One Night’.
There is quite a bit more plot here though, which I did appreciate,
although it was somewhat far-fetched.
I still
feel like Cam and Gabe’s relationship is moving way to fast and
therefore somewhat unbelievable. Their chemistry and the well done
sex-scenes make up for it though.
I loved
getting to know Gabe and Cam better, as in this story we see a lot more
of their personalities than before as they talk a lot more and their
relationship develops.
We also get a glimpse at a possible future couple with Rhys and Wade and I’d love to see more of them in future books.
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