Titel: Sweet Possession
Series: Nights Series #5
Author: A.M. Salinger
Publisher: -
Format: Kindle, english, 99p
Synopsis: GoodReads
Review: 4*, GoodReads, Amazon
I don’t want to ruin his future. I don’t want him to miss out on having a family. I should let him go — Luke
I love him. And I know he loves me. So why is he pulling away from me? — Ash
Settled in his new life in Singapore with the man he has loved
his entire life finally at his side, Ash Colby has never been happier.
Not only does Luke fulfill him body and soul, their future together
could not be any brighter.
Luke still cannot believe that Ash is
finally his. But although he loves Ash more than life itself and has
finally found a partner who can satisfy his carnal needs, Luke doesn’t
want to get in the way of the young Colby heir's future. When he decides
to give their relationship some breathing space, Luke cannot foresee
the despicable act he will commit the night Ash finally challenges him
about his cool behavior.
With their love and their future at
stake, can Ash force Luke to face his fears and admit they truly do
belong together? Or will Luke’s stubbornness and remorse tear
their burgeoning relationship apart?
‘Sweet Posession’ is the 5th book in the ‘Nights’ series and it is just as good and steamy as the rest of them.
It continues the story of Luke and Ash from the 4th book which was pretty great as I really like the two of them and enjoyed reading more of them.
In this
book their relationship takes a darker turn, at least in Lukes mind.
Despite everything they’ve been through he decides Ash shouldn’t be with
him, because it will ruin Ash’s chances of good future and true
instead of talking about it with Ash he simply distances himself and
when things come to blows he thinks the worst of himself and takes off
again. Ash on the other hand enjoyed what happened and is even more
as to what’s going on with Luke.
They do eventually work things out though and we catch a little glimpse of Ethan at the end.
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