Titel: Storm Glass
Series: Harbinger #1
Author: Jeff Wheeler
Publisher: 47North
Format: Kindle, english, 353p
Synopsis: GoodReads
A digital copy of this book was provided for me by NetGalley
and 47North. This did not influence my rating or review.
Theirs is a world of
opposites. The privileged live in sky manors held aloft by a secretive
magic known only as the Mysteries. Below, the earthbound poor are forced
into factory work to maintain the engine of commerce. Only the wealthy
can afford to learn the Mysteries, and they use their knowledge to
further lock their hold on society.
Cettie Pratt is a waif doomed to
the world below, until an admiral attempts to adopt her. But in her new
home in the clouds, not everyone treats her as one of the family.Sera Fitzempress is a princess born into power. She yearns to meet the orphan girl she has heard so much about, but her father deems the girl unworthy of his daughter’s curiosity.
Neither girl feels that she belongs. Each seeks to break free of imposed rules. Now, as Cettie dreams of living above and as Sera is drawn to the world below, they will follow the paths of their own choosing.
But both girls will be needed for the coming storm that threatens to overturn both their worlds.
drew me to this book was the cover. It’s simply gorgeous, and the
synopsis made me even more excited. Floating manors? Hell yes.
And it
wasn’t just the cover and synopsis that looked good. The book kept me
engaged from the very beginning. I liked the writing style and the
world-building was great as well. The two different ”worlds”, the
world on the ground and the manors and city floating above, were
distinctly different and brought forth very different moods while
who has grown up in the worst part of The Fells, is very receptive of
“The Mysteries” and can sense ghosts and even interact with them, which
makes her quite special.
She is
taken out of the Fells by Vice Admiral Fitzroy, who tries to adopt her.
Through Cettie we get to know Fitzroys floating Manor, which is truly
fascinating. There she also meets Mrs. Pullham, who really annoyed
me. While I know that’s the way the world works at times, I find it
hard to imagine that adults can behave this way. In general and
especially towards a child.
I also
liked how she was quite street smart and always willing to learn, even
though, as most children, she was often turned away with “It’s part of
the mysteries”.
Mysteries are quite fascinating. I like the idea of them as a “magic
system” for this world, but as I don’t yet know what they are I can’t
say much about them. At first I thought they were more like science,
simply wasn’t explained to children and made a big deal out of. Of
course, floating manor do seem like magic, but so does electricity if
you don’t know about it.
But then Cettie started sensing something akin to “wards”, which makes it more likely that they truly are magic.
Sera is
like many princesses in fiction. She has a soft heart and wants to help
her people, yet she is hardly ever allowed to leave her estate, let
alone be in contact with those from a lower social standing. She is
going stir-crazy and I totally get it. The only companion she has is
her maid and she almost never gets to meet children her age. On top of
that she has to spend her time studying things that seem to have no
value to her. Her parents hate each other and only
speak to her when it’s the both of them, so one doesn’t poison her
against the other. Both of them are quite frigid to her and her mother
suffers from an eating disorder.
What I found really interesting about the society was how much they talked about debt and the way it is treated within society.
The way
their society works, the importance of debt and the mention of eating
disorders gives the book a new depth and I’m really looking forward to
the next books in the series.
I rated this book 4 stars.
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