Titel: Sightwitch
Series: The Witchlands #0.5
Author: Susan Dennard
Publisher: Tor Teen
Format: Kindle, english, 208p
Synopsis: GoodReads
Review: 5*, GoodReads, LovelyBooks, Amazon
Before Safi and Iseult battled a Bloodwitch...
Before Merik returned from the dead…
Ryber Fortiza was a Sightwitch Sister at a secluded convent, waiting to be called by her goddess into the depths of the mountain. There she would receive the gift of foretelling. But when that call never comes, Ryber finds herself the only Sister without the Sight.
Years pass and Ryber’s misfit pain becomes a dull ache, until one day, Sisters who already possess the Sight are summoned into the mountain, never to return. Soon enough, Ryber is the only Sister left. Now, it is up to her to save her Sisters, though she does not have the Sight—and though she does not know what might await her inside the mountain.
On her journey underground, she encounters a young captain named Kullen Ikray, who has no memory of who he is or how he got there. Together, the two journey ever deeper in search of answers, their road filled with horrors, and what they find at the end of that road will alter the fate of the Witchlands forever.
Set a year before Truthwitch, Sightwitch is a companion novella that also serves as a set up to Bloodwitch, as well as an expansion of the Witchlands world.
Before Merik returned from the dead…
Ryber Fortiza was a Sightwitch Sister at a secluded convent, waiting to be called by her goddess into the depths of the mountain. There she would receive the gift of foretelling. But when that call never comes, Ryber finds herself the only Sister without the Sight.
Years pass and Ryber’s misfit pain becomes a dull ache, until one day, Sisters who already possess the Sight are summoned into the mountain, never to return. Soon enough, Ryber is the only Sister left. Now, it is up to her to save her Sisters, though she does not have the Sight—and though she does not know what might await her inside the mountain.
On her journey underground, she encounters a young captain named Kullen Ikray, who has no memory of who he is or how he got there. Together, the two journey ever deeper in search of answers, their road filled with horrors, and what they find at the end of that road will alter the fate of the Witchlands forever.
Set a year before Truthwitch, Sightwitch is a companion novella that also serves as a set up to Bloodwitch, as well as an expansion of the Witchlands world.
wasn’t sure what to expect from this book. I liked Ryber but I really
just wanted another book about Safi and Iseult. And while I do miss
those two I loved getting to know Ryber and the Sightwitches.
I was
somewhat confused by the timeline, as the dates on Rybers chapters
seemed to ascend, so in chapters that had the date as Y14 she was
younger as in chapters dated Y18, which seems logical and makes sense.
is Dysis chapter were dated Y2xxx (sorry don’t remember the exact
dates), which would therefore mean they take place about 2000 Years
after Rybers story, but they don’t. They actually take place over 1000
years in the past.
from that I sometimes got confused with what happened to Ryber and what
to Dysi. Don’t get me wrong, it’s labeled very clearly in the story, I
just got them confused in my head.
I really enjoyed both story lines and I hope we’ll get to meet Dysi and the girls in future books.
Seeing Ryber as a young girl was so interesting and seeing her grow up and start to develop into the women we know was great.
We also
get some background information on magic and the witchlands, which made
me fall in love with this world even more, although I didn’t think that
was possible.
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