Mittwoch, 27. September 2017

[Review] [Giveaway] Across the Darkling Sea

 Titel: Across the Darkling Sea
Series:  Across the Darkling Sea #1
Author: K. Ferrin
Publisher: ?
First Published: 13.11.2016
Format: Kindle, english, 159
Synopsis: GoodReads
Review: 4*, Amazon, GoodReads,
Across the Darkling Sea is the first book in the new serial fantasy series Magicfall, by K. Ferrin!

Magic is forbidden in Brielle, but that never stopped Evelyn. Until Now. Because Evelyn has discovered she is magic, and now she is running for her life.

Her only hope is on an island cloaked in shadow, an island of dark magic and even darker beasts. An island warlocks call home.

Evelyn's friends have turned against her, her own mother tried to kill her, and the place she calls home has banished her. Hidden away in the belly of a riverboat, a stowaway, her journey begins.

When I applied to be part of this blogtour I honestly did not know what to expect.
The synopsis sounded very interesting, which is why I was interested in participating but I hadn't heard of Ferris before, so I wasn't sure how it'd turn out.
To say I'm happy I got the chance to read this book would be an understatement, I really, really enjoyed reading this.

I liked the main character, although I was almost as confused in the beginning as she was ;)
Usually we see a character develope over time and if a book is good we can see distinct differences between the character at the beginning of the book and towards the end.
Here though it is totally different. Ling undergoes quite the evolution every day! It is pretty much the same every day, yet I still feel this is an amazing achievement.
Within the span of a day a confused Evelyn turns into a strong-willed Ling. While usually a developement as quick as that would seem forced, here it seems natural, which is very important as Ling has to undergone this transformation every day, it's not like she has a choice.

The plot is very unique and quite interesting. We're kept on our toes at all times and I hardly could stop reading. I haven't seen anything like this done before so I really enjoyed myself.

I'm also quite amazed by the worldbuilding, as well as the world itself.
Ferris describes everything quite beautifully, yet not overly descriptive.
What stood out to me was this worlds view on sexuality and gender roles. From what I was able to discern there aren't actually any set gender roles at all in this world. From what I could tell men and women are both equally accepted in any kind of profession and position of authority. There also seems to be no issue regarding same sex relationships either.
While it's sad that this has to be pointed out as being special, this is exactly what I would like our world as well as every fictional world I read about to be like.
Another thing that ties into this is the view on rape and prostitution in this culture.
Prostitution is a 'normal' occupation here and is totally acceptable, as long as it is completely consensual. I think that's a very unique thing to pay attention to when writing a book, but it is
 that should be done more often. 
Going along with this is the fact that rape is the worst crime that can be committed, and is punished very harshly and looked down upon by almost everyone. No one here thinks about blaming the victim for a sexual assault and even when a wrong doing of the victim led to them being in the situation where they are assaulted (e.g. Being a blind passenger on a ship and the being assaulted by a sailor who discovers them), no blame whatsoever is taken away from the perpetrator. 
While I totally agree with these views it is quite surprising to see an author paying so much attention to these things when they weren't all that important to the plot.

All in all I rated this book 4 stars and I can't wait to read the second one in the series.

As this post is part of a blogtour by Xpresso Blogtours there is also a giveaway! This is of course international, so all of you can have a chance to win!
All you have to do is click the Rafflecopter link below and sign up and follow the steps required.
What you can win:

  • $50 Amazon gift card + a signed copy of Across the Darkling Sea
  • 2x signed copies of both Across the Darkling Sea and A Dying Land

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