Montag, 4. September 2017

[Review] A Game of Thrones - George R R Martin


Titel:A Game of Thrones
Series: A Song of Ice and Fire #1
Author: George R R Martin
Publisher: Audible Audio
First Published: 09.12.2003
Format: Audio, english,
Synopsis: GoodReads
Review: 5*, GoodReads

 In a time long forgotten, a preternatural event threw the seasons off balance. In a land where summers can last decades and winters a lifetime, trouble is brewing. As the cold returns, sinister forces are massing beyond the protective wall of the kingdom of Winterfell. To the south, the king's powers are failing, with his most trusted advisor mysteriously dead and enemies emerging from the throne's shadow. At the center of the conflict, the Starks of Winterfell hold the key: a reluctant Lord Eddard is summoned to serve as the king's new Hand, an appointment that threatens to sunder both family and kingdom. In this land of extremes, plots and counterplots, soldiers and sorcerers, each side fights to win the deadliest of conflicts: the game of thrones.

This one's tough for me to write. I've been watching Game of Thrones for a while and I love it. But actually starting the book took me quite a while. I listened to this on audio and I absolutely loved it.

Problem is I've been listening to the first book with the tv show fresh on my mind, which makes it difficult to differentiate between what is on tv and what is written in the book. So of course writing this review is kinda hard for me.

But, suffice it to say, George R R Martins writing is awesome.
The world he builds is incredibly intricate and his plot has layers upon layers that will only be revealed over time.

His characters, whether likable or not, are very eclectic and all of them have their own well established personalities.

It won't surprise anyone that I adore the mother of dragons!

There were some instances where the book got a tad boring in my opinion, but I still rated it 5 stars.

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