Sonntag, 2. Juli 2017

[Monthly Recap] June 2017

Hi guys,
I'm here with another monthly recap for you. This time there isn't much to tell, I read hardly anything and posted even less on here. I did at least keep up with my instagram schedule and I do plan to post all of the reviews I haven't yet.

I didn't buy any books this month, unless you count this month's FairyLoot book, which was ROAR by Cora Carmack, the first part in a high fantasy series which I can't wait to read.

I also was kindly sent a book by german website Bloggerportal, which was Hope and Red by Jon Skovron, a adult high fantasy book.

I also won a book from another german website called LovelyBooks. It's a german book, so there is no english title, but it's Herrscher der Blütwüste by Philipp Schmidt. It's a mix between dystopian and fantasy, with some si-fi elements mixed in.

On june 30th I started two books, which I obviously didn't finish that month. One of tem was The Love Interest by Cale Dietrich , which I finished today. I hope I'll have a review up for it by the time my july recap rolls around, but so far I can tell you, that I absolutely loved it.
I also started the afore mentioned german book, and I quite like it as well.

I did finish three books and one manga in june.
The manga was the first in the Pandora Hearts series, but I did neither rate nor review it, as it's the first manga I read and I'm not sure how to rate it.

I also read Orphan X by Gregg Hurwitz, which was kindly sent to me by Harper Collins Germany. You can find my review here, and let me tell you, I loved this fast paced thriller!

I also read parts 2 and 3 in the Winner's Curse Trilogy by Marie Rutkoski, The Winner's Crime and The Winner's Kiss. I loved both of them and rated them 5 stars, just as I did with the first book in ther series.

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