Donnerstag, 1. März 2018

[Review] Tower of Dawn - Sarah J Maas

Titel: Tower of Dawn
Series: Throne of Glass #6
Author: Sarah J Maas
Publisher:Audible Studios
Format: Audio, english
Synopsis: GoodReads

 Chaol Westfall has always defined himself by his unwavering loyalty, his strength, and his position as the Captain of the Guard. But all of that has changed since the glass castle shattered, since his men were slaughtered, since the King of Adarlan spared him from a killing blow, but left his body broken.

His only shot at recovery lies with the legendary healers of the Torre Cesme in Antica—the stronghold of the southern continent's mighty empire. And with war looming over Dorian and Aelin back home, their survival might lie with Chaol and Nesryn convincing its rulers to ally with them.

But what they discover in Antica will change them both—and be more vital to saving Erilea than they could have imagined.

(Warning: I listened to the audiobook and I’m not sure about all the spellings)
This book killed me. I don’t know who I’m supposed to wait until the next ‘ToG’ book, this was literally too much.
To be honest I didn’t think I would enjoy this one as much as I did. I liked both Chaol and Nesrin, but without Aelin and the rest of the gang I thought we’d miss out. Suffice it to say, I loved the book, I loved Chaol, Nesrin, Yrene and Zartak and I didn’t feel like we missed out at all.

In truth there was so much revealed I couldn’t even believe it.  It’s been a while since I finished ‘Empire of Storms’ so I wasn’t always completely aware of what would be happening with the rest of the group at any given time, but that made it even better as I only got the information at the same time as Chaol did.

The plot and world-building were amazing as usual and I love Antica even more than the rest of the world. The eastern-influences and  getting to know the Kogans court were great.

As for the characters, I was a little sad that Nesrin wasn’t as important as I’d hoped she’s be. I wanted to get to know her better, but the focus was more on Chaol and Yrene.
Which was fine as well, as Chaols development was really interesting to see. When I started the book I felt like I knew him, but there is so much more to him than we’ve seen so far. Watching him heal and grow and get to know Yrene was simply awesome.
I also enjoyed getting to know Yrene, she is a fine addition to our little band of misfits ;)

And while Nesrin didn’t get the amount of attention I wished for I loved the time we got to spent with her, especially while she was riding a Rook.

The plot was exciting and I loved finding out new information and making all the connections.

While I feel this review should be a lot longer, I was so immersed in the book that I took hardly any notes and all I wanna do now is gush, so I’ll leave it here.

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