Titel: Roue, Prisoner, Princess
Series: Of Crowns and Glory #2
Author: Morgan Rice
Publisher: -
Format: Kindle, english, 184p
Synopsis: GoodReads
Review: 4*, GoodReads, LovelyBooks, Amazon
17 year old Ceres, a beautiful, poor girl from the Empire city of Delos, finds herself forced, by royal decree, to fight in the Stade, the brutal arena where warriors from all corners of the world come to kill each other. Pitted against ferocious opponents, her chances of survival are slim. Her only chance lies in drawing on her innermost powers, and making the transition, once and for all, from slave to warrior.
18 year old Prince Thanos wakes on the isle of Haylon to discover he has been stabbed in the back by his own people, left for dead on the blood-soaked beach. Captured by the rebels, he must crawl his way back to life, find who tried to assassinate him, and seek his revenge.
Ceres and Thanos, a world apart, have not lost their love for each other; yet the Empire court teems with lies, betrayal and duplicity, and as jealous royals weave intricate lies, they each, in a tragic misunderstanding, are led to believe the other is dead. The choices they make will determine each other’s fate.
Will Ceres survive the Stade and become the warrior she was meant to be? Will Thanos heal and discover the secret being withheld from him? Will the two of them, forced apart, find each other again?
ROGUE, PRISONER, PRINCESS tells an epic tale of tragic love, vengeance, betrayal, ambition, and destiny. Filled with unforgettable characters and heart-pounding action, it transports us into a world we will never forget, and makes us fall in love with fantasy all over again.
I have
to say, I just love this series. Although this is only the second book I
can already tell that it’s only going to get better.
Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of problems with this book, but I still enjoyed it quite a bit.
As with
the first book the main problem seems to be that Rhodes tried to write
far more in one book than the length of the book would allow.
plot seemed very rushed and the characters didn’t get the chance to
develop properly, which was particularly annoying when it came to
Here I’ll add a little spoiler warning, as there might be some slight spoilers.
talk about Thanos and Stephanie. I’m still thinking she’s using some
kind of potion or spell on him. Even with the way relationships develop
in this story this just seems so unnatural. I get that everything
is fast-forwarded a bit, but I don’t get how Thanos suddenly likes her,
let alone trusts her or even falls in loves.
how did Anka suddenly become the leader of the rebellion? She just
joined them and has no experience what so ever. I get that a lot of the
people died, including Rexus, but there had to have been some other
or “generals” or something who’d take over.
thing that bothers me are certain inconsistencies, such as how
Stephanie tells Ceres about Rexus’ death, and Ceres seems surprised and
everything, even though she was there when he died. Same thing when she
tells her about Thanos death, Ceres already knew about it!
Again, I just feel like Rhodes should have just written longer books so all her ideas had time to unfold properly.
Despite all the negative aspects I simply enjoy reading these books a lot, therefore I rated it 4 stars.
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