Titel: Romanov
Series: -
Author: Samaire Provost
Format: kindle, english
Synopsis: GoodReads
Buy: Amazon
In an abandoned
warehouse in Manhattan, two enemies battle to the death, while outside, a
malevolent entity watches and waits and plots, eager for blood. On an
island in the heart of Seattle, an immortal princess struggles to lead a
normal life just as a flood of terrifying creatures starts to pour in
through a portal that should not be there. A young man meets a classmate
while walking home from the college library, and embarks on the most
dangerous adventure he’s ever known – will he survive? A deranged madman
hunts the girl he’s lusted after for a century, in a relentless pursuit
for vengeance. A prehistoric, mythical beast jealously guards a
primeval land, which is leaking into present-day Seattle. A sweet,
forbidden passion blossoms between two lovers who steal moments whenever
they can, while unbeknownst to them, they’re hunted by a deadly
A royal family threatened at its weakest – yet lethal in its own right – is stalked by an ancient evil that will not rest until they are utterly destroyed: a nightmare incarnate that has waited millions of years for revenge threatens the very existence of the young lovers and their family.
Will they prevail?
A royal family threatened at its weakest – yet lethal in its own right – is stalked by an ancient evil that will not rest until they are utterly destroyed: a nightmare incarnate that has waited millions of years for revenge threatens the very existence of the young lovers and their family.
Will they prevail?
I read
Romanov as part of a blogtour and I have to admit I was somewhat
disappointed as I didn’t like the writing that much and the plot seemed
very scattered.
start with the writing. As I said I didn’t like it but I can’t really
say why. It just didn’t flow right. It was easy to read but not really
story seemed pretty scattered and lacked cohesion. It’s not that I had
trouble following the plot but it felt like the author had a couple of
different ideas and just strung them together haphazardly.
plot itself was pretty cliché and while the ‘twist’ at the end did
surprise me I don’t think it did much to pull the story up.
Vampires in and of themselves are a cliché all their own but here they are just a bunch of clichés thrown together.
isn’t much to say about the main characters as they didn’t seem all that
remarkable to me. Sad thing is, they could have. With Annas backstory
she could have been a really amazing character, but here she seemed
pretty plain.
I was
pretty surprised by the fact that Lexei and Julia, the younger siblings,
planned to go on a date, as I was under the impression that Lexei,
while having been a vampire for over 100 years, not only had the body
but also the mind of the 13year old boy he was when turned, which seems
way too young for Julia. While her age is never stated she is an artist
who already has had multiple exhibitions and sells paintings for over
10 000$, which leads me to believe she is
quite a bit older than 13. She could of course have been a child
genius, but if so it didn’t come across at all.
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