Titel: Queen of Fire
Series: Raven'S Shadow #2
Author: Anthony Ryan
Publisher: Penguin Audio
Format: English, Audio
Synopsis: GoodReads
Review:5*, GoodReads, LovelyBooks, Amazon
Buy: Amazon
“The Ally is there, but
only ever as a shadow, unexplained catastrophe or murder committed at
the behest of a dark vengeful spirit. Sorting truth from myth is often a
fruitless task.”
After fighting back from the brink of death, Queen Lyrna is determined to repel the invading Volarian army and regain the independence of the Unified Realm. Except, to accomplish her goals, she must do more than rally her loyal supporters. She must align herself with forces she once found repugnant—those who possess the strange and varied gifts of the Dark—and take the war to her enemy’s doorstep.
Victory rests on the shoulders of Vaelin Al Sorna, now named Battle Lord of the Realm. However, his path is riddled with difficulties. For the Volarian enemy has a new weapon on their side, one that Vaelin must destroy if the Realm is to prevail—a mysterious Ally with the ability to grant unnaturally long life to her servants. And defeating one who cannot be killed is a nearly impossible feat, especially when Vaelin’s blood-song, the mystical power which has made him the epic fighter he is, has gone ominously silent…
After fighting back from the brink of death, Queen Lyrna is determined to repel the invading Volarian army and regain the independence of the Unified Realm. Except, to accomplish her goals, she must do more than rally her loyal supporters. She must align herself with forces she once found repugnant—those who possess the strange and varied gifts of the Dark—and take the war to her enemy’s doorstep.
Victory rests on the shoulders of Vaelin Al Sorna, now named Battle Lord of the Realm. However, his path is riddled with difficulties. For the Volarian enemy has a new weapon on their side, one that Vaelin must destroy if the Realm is to prevail—a mysterious Ally with the ability to grant unnaturally long life to her servants. And defeating one who cannot be killed is a nearly impossible feat, especially when Vaelin’s blood-song, the mystical power which has made him the epic fighter he is, has gone ominously silent…
absoluetely loves the ‘Rave’s Shadow’ series and this book was no
exception, although it might be my least favorite of the three.
the plot and the world-building was still great I had some problems with
the characters. First of, there were so many to keep track of! I was
pretty confused sometimes.
As for
the established characters, I didn’t like the way Lyrna turned out at
all. To me it seemed like she lost all reason and instead of growing as a
character she did the opposite.
changed for the worse as well. I don’t know why but he seemed to lose
some of his character. By the end he just did whatever Lyrna wanted
instead of thinking on his own.
on the other hand remained her bad-ass self and Frentis made a new name
for himself as well. I loved those two and was happy to sea Weaver
undergoing quite the character development as well.
And we
finally found out who/what ‘the Ally’ was. I enjoyed learning more about
him and his agents as well as about the different faiths of the
different people and all the mythical things but it was also very
and I don’t really feel satisfied with the answers I got.
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