Titel: Angel of Storms
Series: Millenium's Rule #2
Author: Trudi Canavan
Publisher: Orbit
Format: Kindle, english, 512p
Synopsis: GoodReads
Review: 4*, GoodReads, LovelyBooks, Amazon
Return to the world
of Millennium's Rule with this powerful and thrilling new adventure from
international No. 1 bestselling author Trudi Canavan.
Escape to a new world.
Discover the magic of Trudi Canavan.
Escape to a new world.
Discover the magic of Trudi Canavan.
I have to say ‚Angel of Storms‘ was a lot better than the first book in the series, even though I enjoyed that one as well.
it took me quite a while to get into ‘Thief’s Magic’ I had no such
problems with ‘Angel of Storms’, it started of quite exciting and kept
me engaged all the way through.
Plot-wise it started 5 years after the end of the first book, which was a good thing, as we jumped right into the thick of it.
Yet we
saw some of what Tyen and Rielle’s life has been like for the past five
years and it was very interesting to see how differently their
respective lives turned out.
of course, the plot begins to thicken and things get really
interesting. I was so glad that I was finally able to see how their
stories might eventually merge, which I missed in the first book.
Tyen and Rielle went through a lot of character development in this book
and I loved it. Tyen grew a lot more confident and started to explore
his powers. He lost some of his naiveté, but he is still pretty naïve.
He tries to follow his own goals yet think of everyone else in the
meantime, which is really hard on him sometimes.
Rielle on the other hand still struggles with the concept of using magic freely, but she also grows up a lot.
world-building is amazing. The concept of an infinite amount of worlds
is really interesting and the way she describes the worlds themselves
and explains various concepts, such as traveling between worlds, is
I can’t wait to read the next book in the series.
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