Titel: Sea of Strangers
Series: The Royogan Chronicles #2
Author: Erica Cameron
Publisher: Entangled Teen
Format: Kindle, 340p, english
Synopsis: GoodReads
Buy: Amazon
Know your enemy if you want to survive…
The only way for Khya to get her brother back alive is to kill Varan—the immortal ruler who can’t be killed. But not even Varan knew what he was doing when he perverted magic and humanity to become immortal.
Khya’s leading her group of friends and rebels into the mountains that hold Varan’s secrets, but if risking all their lives is going to be worth it, she has to give up everything else—breaking the spell that holds her brother captive and jeopardizing her deepening relationship with Tessen, the boy who has been by turns her rival and refuge since her brother disappeared. Immortality itself might be her only answer, but if that’s where Khya has to go, she can’t ask Tessen or her friends to follow.
The only way for Khya to get her brother back alive is to kill Varan—the immortal ruler who can’t be killed. But not even Varan knew what he was doing when he perverted magic and humanity to become immortal.
Khya’s leading her group of friends and rebels into the mountains that hold Varan’s secrets, but if risking all their lives is going to be worth it, she has to give up everything else—breaking the spell that holds her brother captive and jeopardizing her deepening relationship with Tessen, the boy who has been by turns her rival and refuge since her brother disappeared. Immortality itself might be her only answer, but if that’s where Khya has to go, she can’t ask Tessen or her friends to follow.
To be honest, I don’t think I loved it as much as the first one, but it’s still a solid 5 stars book, at least for me. If you haven’t read the first one there will be spoilers for you!
In this book our heroes visit the famed land of Ryogo and things aren’t what they’ve always been told. I liked the worldbuilding here as well, but it wasn’t quite as impressive as in was on Itagami, which is probably because what we see of Ryogo and its people is a lot more similar to the real world than Itagami and its people.
The only people we really meet are Oshis friends, who seemed very fascinating to me, but while Khya, Tessen and the others spent quite a large amount of time with them, we hardly got to know anything about them.
I really wanted to learn some more about their kind of magic and their way of wielding it, maybe in the next book.
The plot continued to be action packed, fast-paced and very interesting. I loved the traveling part of the book and really enjoyed some of the places we saw. It does end with a cliffhanger, which is reeeally annoying, but that’s just something I have to accept.
I loved Khyas character development, as well as the growth her relationship with Tessen. Through all the earth-shattering revelations and the obstacles she faces Khya had the chance to grow up quite a lot and it added a lot to her character. Her relationship with Tessen stabilized a lot, which I also appreciated.
I honestly cannot wait for the next book, this is definitely one of my new favorite series and some of my favorite books of the year!
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