Donnerstag, 6. Juli 2017

[Review] The Love Interest - Cale Dietrich

Titel: The Love Interest
Series: -
Author/Autor: Cale Dietrich
Publisher/Verlag: Feiwel & Friends
First Published/Erstveröffentlichung: 16.05.2017
Format: Kindle, english, 384 Pages
Synopsis/Inhalt: GoodReads
Review: 4*, GoodReads, LovelyBooks
TBR/Leseliste: -

There is a secret organization that cultivates teenage spies. The agents are called Love Interests because getting close to people destined for great power means getting valuable secrets.
Caden is a Nice: The boy next door, sculpted to physical perfection. Dylan is a Bad: The brooding, dark-souled guy, and dangerously handsome. The girl they are competing for is important to the organization, and each boy will pursue her. Will she choose a Nice or the Bad?
Both Caden and Dylan are living in the outside world for the first time. They are well-trained and at the top of their games. They have to be – whoever the girl doesn’t choose will die.
What the boys don’t expect are feelings that are outside of their training. Feelings that could kill them both.


I don't usually read contemporary. Scratch that, I don't read contemporary. I've never read a contemporary Titel, I never heard about one that interested me at all.

But then I started hearing about The Love Interest and it sounded awesome!

So I decided to go for it and try my hand at a new genre. 

And what can I say? I really liked it. It didn't change my mind about contemporary as a genre but at least I can now say that I've read a contemporary;)

[My Opinion]

Usually I like fantastical descriptions and awesome world-building, none of which is happening here, so I'm not really sure what I want to talk about.

If I'm being honest, I don't have much to say about the characters. Both 'Love Interests' seemed kinda flat to me and I could see neither a distinct personality nor any kind of character development.

The plot was similarly uninpressing. Yes the idea behind the whole thing isn't something I've heard of before, but still, it felt like nothing was really happening. At least until the end, then everything happens so quickly, I hardly had time to enjoy it.

So if the plot didn't catch my attention and the characters weren't interesting, why did I enjoy this book so much?

I honestly don't know. While I felt like things didn't add up or needed more explanation or at least needed to be shown more properly, it was still an incredibly easy book to read. 

I breezed trough it so quickly, especially considering that I've had some trouble with reading consistently over the last few weeks. 

I also really enjoyed the romance. I'm sure if you look at it more closely there will be a lot of problems with that as well, but I just enjoyed myself immensely. I liked to see these two characters fall for each other and come to terms with their feelings, even tough, as the characters were quite lacking it didn't come across as well as it could have.

I also feel I need to give an honorable mention to the Harry Potter References in this book. I think there were two instances where Harry Potter was mentioned, and the while it's not important to the story at all, any mention of HP will get you plus points in my book.


While writing this review I considered changing my rating from 4 to 3 stars but I decided against it, because despite all the negative points I just gave I still really enjoyed it and I feel the same now, as I did two days ago when I finished and rated it.

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