Series: The Witchlands #2
Author/Autor: Susan Dennard
Publisher/Verlag: Tor Teen
First Released/Erstmals erschienen: 03.01.2017
Format: Kindle, 416
Format: Kindle, 416
Synopsis: GoodReads
Review: 5*
TBR/Leseliste: -
Buy: amazon
Dieses Buch gibt es noch nicht auf deutsch, daher ist diese Rezension auch ausschließelich auf englisch.
Dieses Buch gibt es noch nicht auf deutsch, daher ist diese Rezension auch ausschließelich auf englisch.
On a continent ruled by three empires, some are born with a "witchery," a magical skill that sets them apart from others.
Windwitch continues the tale begun in Truthwitch, with a focus on Merik--cunning privateer, prince, and windwitch.
Windwitch continues the tale begun in Truthwitch, with a focus on Merik--cunning privateer, prince, and windwitch.
Okay, so this synopsis isn't all that informative, but it is the second part in a series so I don't really want to say any more about its content. Still this may contain some spoilers to the first book, so read on your own peril ;)
Ans speaking about the first book in the series, I absolutely loved it! So when I was in kind of a funk and wanted something fun to read I decied to just go with the second part and I loved it just as much!
As for this review, I don't really know what to say, that I havent already said in my review of the first book. Click ;)
So let's start with the worldbulding: it was great. Nothing more to say. There obviously isn't as much as in the first book, since we're already familiar with this world. But we did get to know a new city as well as a new territory/city that seems like it came right out of the TV Show 'Black Sails'. While I liked Lovats I absolutely loved Saldonica, just as I love Black Sails.
Another large chunk of this book is taking place in a jungle, so not much worldbuilding there either. But I think for a secong book this is perfect. With the little time spent on worldbuilding there is more time for plot and character developement, yet we get to see even more of this great, fantastical world.
The plot continues where it left of in the first book and I still like it very much, but I have to say I was quite frustrated from time to time. Just when I thought I had everything figured out and knew where all the diffrent threads connect (yes, beeing a weaverwitch does seem interesting to me), some new name or connection popped up and I had to come to the conclusion that I'll probably have to wait until the last ten pages of the last book in the series to actually know fully what's going on.
Despite all the frustration this caused me it also kept me in my toes and made everything even more excited.
As for the characters, the focus shifted slightly in this one and other characters came into the spot light but I liked them just as much as Safi and Iseult. Altough I was very happy that the two of them still got the 'screen time' they deserved, and especially Iseult went trough some great character developement and grew immensly trought the story.
I loved the budding realtionship with Aeduan and I can only hope he makes the right decision and choses our friends over his father, the Raider King.
I think it's great how we got to know a diffrent side of Vivia, or more acurately we got to know her at all. When we had only Meriks point of view Vivia seemed like some evil, evil women with no regards for her family and people but this certainly isn't true.
Seeing her and Merik fight for the same goals but agains each other was harrowing! I was so happy when they found each other again!
Oh and do I have to mention how sad I am to see Merik and Safi grieving the other ones death, not knowing they survived? I hope this gets solved early in the next book!
In general, the only negative thing I can say about this book is the fact that the last two books aren't out yet!
Oh and five stars if I haven't mentioned that yet.
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